week taal categorie les Implementie op mijn website. week1 CSS CSS building blocks overview week1 cascade and inheritance week1 CSS selectors week1 The box model week1 Backgrounds and borders week1 Handling different tekst directions Flex box en grid indeling. week1 Overflowing content Navigatiebar verschuift dagen niet. week1 Values and units week1 Sizing items CSS week1 Images, media, and form elements week1 Styling tables week1 Debugging CSS week1 Organizing your CSS week1 Styling tekst Styling tekst overview week1 Fundamental tekst and font styling week1 Styling lists week1 Styling links week1 Web fonts week1 Assesment: typesetting a community school homepage week1 CSS layout CSS layout overview week1 Introduction week1 Normal flow week1 Flexbox week1 Grids week1 Floats week1 Positioning week1 Multiple-column layout week1 Responsive design week1 Beginner's guide to media queries week1 Legacy layout Methods week1 Supporting Older browsers week1 Fundamental layout comprehension week2 JavaScript JavaScript first steps JavaScript first steps overview week2 What is JavaScript Implementatie website week2 A first splash into JavaScript week2 What went wrong? Troubleshooting JS week2 Storing the information you need -- variables week2 Basic math in JS -- Numbers and operators week2 Handling tekst -- strings in JS week2 Useful string methods Knoppen vorige/volgende week2 Arrays week2 Assessment: Silly story generator week2 JS building blocks JS building blocks overview week2 Making decisions in your code -- Conditionals week2 Looping code week2 Functions -- Reusable blocks of code week2 Build your own function week2 Function return values week2 Introductions to events week2 Assesments: Image gallery week3 Introducing JS objects Introducing JS objects overview week3 Objects basics week3 Object-oriented JS for beginners week3 Object prototypes week3 Inheritance in JS week3 Working with JSON data week3 Object building practice week3 Assessment: Adding features to our bouncing balls demo week4 Aynchronous JS Asynchronous JS overview week4 General asynchronous programming concepts week4 Introducing asynchronous JS week4 Cooperative asynchronous JS: Timeouts and intervals week4 Graceful asynchronous programming with Promises week4 Making asynchronous programming easier with async and await week4 Choosing the right approach week4 Client-side web APIs Client-side web APIs week4 Introduction to web APIs week4 Manipulating documents week4 Fetching data from the server week4 Third party APIs week4 Drawing graphics week4 Video and audio APIs week4 Client-side storage